Welcome to the Team Fantasy Football

This league is a different kind of league for people who follows American football and Fantasy leagues normally play.

This league is not focused on the performance of the players counting yards, touchdowns, passes, sacks or drops. This league is based on the points scored by the teams in their games week after week.

This is basically what you have to do if you want to know what you'll find here:

  • Create an account here if you don't have an account or sign in here if you have it
  • Create a league
  • Ask your friends to registrate to the website.
  • Invite all the participants to the league.
  • Play it !!!

These are the leagues you can play to

We hope you enjoy it.

If you want to help with all the expenses this fantasy produces (domain, servers, etc)

458 active users, 89 played leagues & 29.565 forecasts done